Aromatic Hydrosols are genuine floral waters or “waters of distillation”, derived from the steam distillation of aromatic plants and flowers. The most soothing water soluble aromatic compounds found in the plant and naturally contained in the hydrosols. The hydrosols are calming, toning and astringent hydrating agents that can be used in a variety of ways.

Roman Chamomile blend
This soothing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory blend is excellent for calming the itchy, dehydrated and sensitive skin .

大馬士革 玫瑰花卉水
Rosa damascene
The true water of distillation from the finest Bulgarian roses. Refreshing, humectants, soothing & anti-inflammatory. Good for dry, dehydrated skins and sensitive, coupe rose conditions.

Orange Blossom
Soothing, Skin rejuvenating, mild antiseptic, uplifting. Good for normal and combination skin.
潤膚 Moisture

大馬士革 玫瑰修護霜
Damask Rose Healing Moisturiser
Excellent regenerative properties, useful for all skin type and sensitive skin . Ingredients : Damask Rose oil, Australia Sandalwood,Calendula & Carrot Co2 extract, etc.

Ultimate Base Cream
Truly natural, highly regenerative & suitable for serving a variety of skin complaints.
Ingredients : Evening Primrose, Rosehip, Hemp Seed, Vit D, E, B6 & Penthenol.

Essential Base Cream
Ingredient list includes pure Cocoa Butter, vegetable oil-derived emulsifying wax, distilled water, vegetable oil-derived glycerin, rosemary antioxidant and grapefruit seed extract .

Essential Base Lotion
EBL is a lighter, less oily version of the cream. EBL makes an excellent carrier base for all types of applications, including Aromatherapy preparations, massage, podiatry and general skin care. It can be used as a general moisturizer for the body, face and hands as is, or for creating customized preparations. Up to a 10% dilution of pure essential oils.