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5% 高濃度治療按摩油 

5% High Concentration Therapeutics Massage blend  



具悠久歷史的 Essential Therapeutic,創辦於1988年,被譽為世界殿堂級香薰油系列。是首家公司獲澳洲政府藥物管理局 (TGA) 批准註冊為香薰治療產品生產商,同時創立更嚴謹的 TGEO 檢測標準制度,是世界極有影響力的治療級別香薰專系。

Founded in 1988, Essential Therapeutics has a long standing history, well known in its World Class aromatherapy oils. It is the very first company that was approved by Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) of Australian government as an aromatherapy products (Therapeutics grade) manufacturer. At the same time, it sets an even stringent standard “Therapeutic Grade Essential Oil” (TGEO) on its own products; making it the world’s most influential in the field of aromatherapy.


Essential Therapeutics 創立嚴格TGEO標準,設置先進分析儀器 GC/MS,備有龐大資料貯存庫和專業團隊監察生產流程。最重要一環,每一批號精油由豐富經驗化學博士分析,能辯別一些聲稱取得BP、 ISO、AFNOR的精油,卻含劣質合成的香精成份,這魚目混珠的手法乃市場的漏洞。

ET承諾提供最高品質的產品, 您可信賴最真、最具治療性香薰品系。

Why choose Essential Therapeutics

Essential Therapeutics has set a strict standard TGEO, test with advanced analytical devices Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, with a huge oils data repository and a professional team that monitor the whole production process. The most important part of all is that each batch of essential oils is analyzed by experienced PHD. Chemists, who are able to discern essential oils that trying to slip into the market and claimed to be certified by BP, ISO, AFNOR, yet contains synthetic flavors and inferior ingredient.


  • 選用優質和天然植物提取
  • 不含動物或石油化工成份
  • 絕對環保
  • 愛護自然生態
  • 無毒,底敏
  • 全屬非轉基因用材

All our base products are:

  • Made from premium natural and naturally derived plant materials
  • Free from animal or petrochemical products
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Cruelty free – never tested on animals.
  • Non-toxic and hypoallergenic
  • GMO-free (not genetically modified) materials

纖體盈 Slimming


To help deal with “orange peel” skin and It is suitable use of Circulation blend alternatively.

活絡油 Calmant


To help deal with “orange peel” skin and It is suitable use of Circulation blend alternatively.

活力通 Energising


A real “pick up” blend to stimulate, refresh & awaken! A boost is needed after too much work, sport or even post-illness. Beneficial for sporting events or mental challenges

靜心緩 Relaxant


Helps to relieve nervous tension, stress, depression, insomnia and headache

淋巴通 Circulation


A toning and decongestant blend useful for “excess fluid” of blood and lymph.


Diffuser Blends

清怡飄 Ambience


To create a refreshing and uplifting environment.

醒腦飄 Clarity


A great “wake-up’ blend that will clear and refresh the mind. This lend enhance your study, your work whenever clarity and concentration is needed.

牽情飄 Intimacy


A heady, sensual blend to set the mood for an intimate occasion.

甜夢飄 Peaceful Sleep


A real soporific and sedating blend in helping to promote better sleep.

舒緩飄 Lavender Relaxe


A soothing, relaxing blend to create a serene environment. Excellent as well for bath application & massage.

呼暢飄 Respiratory Blend 


Strong antiseptic power, relief of coughs & congestion. Good use in sick room or elsewhere help prevent airborne infections from spreading