治療品質精華油 Professional Grade Essential Oils
25%⾦盞草萃取液(可可巴) Calendula CO2 Extract (25% in Jojoba) Calendula officinalis Supercritical CO2 extract | 德國 Germany | 本萃取液⽐草本浸泡的濃度⾼出45倍,消炎效果出眾,促進傷⼜癒合,適⽤於濕疹、過敏性⽪炎、⼩傷⼜、燒傷、曬傷、瘀傷等。It is 45 times more concentrated than the herbal infused oil. A definitive extract for skin complaints, with superb anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Excellent for skin inflammation, such as eczema and allergic dermatitis, minor wounds, burns, sunburns, bruising and on. |
⼩⾖蔻 Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum | 危地⾺拉 Guatemala | 印度當圯⽤作助消化草藥,有提神醒腦、升溫、刺激機能。尤其適合消化系統,有抗肌⾁痙攣,吸⼊可緩解氣管不適,祛痰功效顯著。 A classic Indian Ayurvedic ‘diegstive’ spices. It is invigorating, warming and stimulating. Specific for the digestive system for its anti-spasmodic properties. Soothing and expectorant for respiratory conditions. |
胡蘿蔔 CO2 Carrot CO2 Extract Daucus carota Supercritical CO2 extract | 西班⽛ Spain | 富含天然β胡蘿蔔素(vit A)和茄紅素,良好抗氧化效果重煥⽪膚活⼒,調整肌理,減皺紋、乾澀和促進癒合功效。 Rich in natural beta-carotene (Pro-vitamin A) and lycopenes. Revitalising and toning in skin care, beneficial for mature skin and wrinkles, dry, devitalised skin. |
雪松 Atlas Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica | 摩洛哥 Morocco | 具鎮定功效,促進傷⼜癒合,舒緩⽪屑和脫髮等問題。可消除淋巴阻塞和脂肪團。吸⼊⼈體可緩解黏膜炎和咳嗽等呼吸不適。 An excellent ‘grounding’ oil. It is healing and soothing to the skin and is a useful aid in scalp complaints, such as dandruff and alopecia. Specific for the lymphatic system, as in lymphatic congestion and cellulite. Helps to relieve congestion in inhalations for respiratory complaints, particularly catarrh and coughs. |
德國柑橘萃取液 German chamomile Extract Matricaria recutita CT bisabolol | 克羅地亞 Croatia | 富含消炎的紅沒藥醇和母菊,卓越消炎和抗過敏功效,適合濕疹、燒傷、瘀傷、經痛、膀胱炎疼痛、⽛痛、⽿疼痛和絞痛。 Rich in matricin and bisabolol, it is an excellent healing, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic extract. Very useful for skin complaints such as eczema and inflamed skin condition, for minor wounds, burns, bruises and contusions. Menstrual complaints such as dysmenorrhea and other such as cystitis, headaches, teething pain, ear ache and colic. |
羅⾺有機⽢菊 Roman chamomle Organic Anthemis nobilis | 法國 France | 卓越鎮靜和舒緩功效,適⽤於過敏、濕疹、⽪炎。壓⼒、失眠、緊張性頭痛等症狀。 A supreme calming and relaxing oil. It is very useful to calm irritability, stress, insomnia, tension headaches and the like. |
⾁桂葉 Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum | 斯⾥蘭卡 Sri Lanka | 良好的抗感染,有效緩解消化不良。強化“陽” 氣,有助於維持良好的 健康狀況。具刺激性必需稀釋後使⽤! A strong anti-infectious, stimulating essence. Excellent for digestive complaints, such as non-specific dyspepsia and in inhalations. A tonifying ‘yang’ essence, aid in maintenance of general well-being. A potential skin irritant – always use diluted! |
岩薔薇 Citus Cistus landaniferus | 西班⽛ Spain | 具有良好的抗菌效果,適⽤於⼩童細菌感染,改善⾃體免疫,備受法國醫師推崇。尤其適合⽪膚恢復新⽣護理。 It is best well known amongst French practitioners as anti-viral, useful in various childhood viral infections and some auto-immune conditions. Excellent for use in regenerative skin care preparation. |
⿏尾草 Clary Sage Russian Salvia sclarea | 俄羅斯 Russia | 改善末梢循環,治療靜脈曲張,⽉經不調,痛經、PMS、經期紊亂等問題。亦具鎮靜及喜悅之效,緩解肌⾁痙攣和短暫頭痛。 Beneficial to peripheral circulation, as with spider veins, varicose veins and the like. An oil well regarding for menstrual complaints, aiding in the relief of menstrual cramps, PMS, irregular periods and the likes. A calming, even |
丁⾹花苞超濃 Clover Bud Extract Sygyzium aromaticum | ⾺達加斯加 Madagascar | 緩解感冒、流感、咳嗽和輕微呼吸道感染症狀。可緩解肌⾁與關節疼痛。此油可刺激細胞活性,抗感染效果出眾。務必稀釋後使⽤。 Useful for relieving the symptoms of colds, flu, coughs and mild respiratory infection. Warming and analgesic for muscular and joint pain. A strong stimulating oil and highly anti-infectious. Always use diluted. |
野⽣絲柏 Wild Cypress Cupressus sempervirens | 法國 France | 有收斂和收乾功效,輔助⽔腫、靜脈曲張和痔疾的治療;緩解肌⾁疼痛、痛經、經⾎過多和更年期症狀。(2歲以下不適合) It is well known for its astringent and ‘drying’ qualities. Useful to aid in the treatment of fluid retention, varicose veins and hemorrhoids; relief of muscular and menstrual cramps, heavy periods and menopausal symptoms. (Not for children under 2 years) |
有機桉樹 Eucalyptus Australiana Organic Eucalyptus radiata ssp.radiata 永久花 Everlasting Helichrysum angustifolium | 澳洲 Australia 法國 France | 可緩解多種呼吸道病症,具抗菌功效,加強⼈體”氣”之不⾜,鞏固免疫系統。 Excellent for aiding in the relief of many respiratory complaints, expectorant and anti-infectious. It has good ‘toning’ qualities for boosting our Defensive Qi, the ‘energetic’ aspect of our immune system. 亦稱為Immortelle,對疤痕、扭傷及瘀傷促進傷⼜癒合,緩解肌⾁疼痛、⾵濕和關節炎疼痛。 Also known as Immortelle, it has wound healing, scar-reducing and anti- coagulant benefits. It is also useful for muscular pain and temporary pain relief in arthritis and rheumatism. |
茴⾹ Sweet Fennel Foeniculum vulgare var dulce | 匈⽛利 Hungary | 調理經期,緩解更年期症狀之情緒不穩定。治療消化問題效果顯著,有緩解暴飲暴⾷的症狀。同時可解決咳嗽和黏液阻塞。 Useful for menstrual complaints, as in the relief of menopausal symptoms, including mood swings. Well known for its digestive benefits, it is useful for the relief of indigestion and over-indulgence. For respiratory complaints, as in temporart relief of coughs and mucous congestion. |
]芳⾹茶樹 Fragonia Agonis fragrans 乳⾹ CO2超臨界萃取液 Frankincense CO2 Boswellia carterii CO2 | 南澳洲 West Australia 阿曼 Oman | 氣味清新,具顯著抗菌功效,可刺激機體活性良好機能。 It has a very pleasant aroma, has significant anti-bacterial properties. Overall it is a good toning and stimulating essence. 含純正芳⾹樹脂、有鎮靜和提神功效,增強免疫⼒,提升患病期間康服。有祛痰、緩解呼吸道問題,促進衰⽼⽪膚再⽣。 Most true to exotic aroma of the resin, it is calming and uplifting, supporting the immune system, helping to maintain well-being and beneficial during times of stress and illness. Expectorant, it is useful for respiratory complaints; regenerative for mature skin. |
中國天竺葵 Geranium China Pelargonium graveolens | 中國 China | 調節機體平衡,⽤於⽔腫、蜘蛛網靜脈曲張和痔疾,通經,解決⽉經不調問題,如⽉經前期綜合症。 It is astringent and haemostatic, indicated for circulatory complaints, such as fluid retention, spider veins and haemorrhoids and is a mild emmenagogue for menstrual complaints, such as PMT. |
薑CO2 萃取液 GingerCo2 Zingiber officinale 柚⼦ Grapefruit | 尼⽇利亞 Nigeria 美國 USA | 含活性最⾼的化合物,具有升溫和刺激肌體活性的功效。緩解肌⾁痙 攣、疼痛,屬運動型精華油,更適合調理肌體平衡。 Contains the heaviest, most active compunds, it is a warming and stimulating essence. A good ‘sport’ oil, known to relieve muscular spasms, aches and pain and is considered to be a masculine essence for support and balance. 輔助治療⽔腫,於按摩治療可消除脂肪團。這精華油可振奮精神,可⽤作清潔室內空氣。濃度⾼於4%具有光敏性。 Useful oil for aiding in the treatment of fluid retention and maybe beneficial |
⽜膝草 Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis | 法國 France | 本精華油多⽤於呼吸系統疾病,吸⼊與稀釋使⽤⼀樣療效明顯,可緩解黏膜炎、咳嗽、⿐敏感、感冒等症狀。該產品亦可重煥⽪膚活⼒,輔助治療⼩傷⼜、瘀傷和⽪炎。 Traditionally used for respiratory complaints. It is good in inhalations and diluted preparations for the symptoms of catarrh, coughs, hayfever, colds, flu and the like. Also a skin regenerating essence, to aid in the treatment of minor wounds, bruising, dermatitis and on. |
純沙巴茉莉 Jasmine Sambac Absolute Jasminum sambac | 印度 India | 稱為「Mogra」,散發濃郁的甜蜜芳⾹。令⼈⾝⼼愉悅,舒緩⼼境。輔助治療痛經等⽉經問題。⼩童使⽤有益⾝⼼。 Also known as ‘Mogra’, it has an intensely sweet fragrance, uplifting and soothing. It aids menstrual complaints – menstrual pain and cramps. Seen to be beneficial during the early stages of childbirth. |
頂級杜松⼦ Juniper Berry Supreme Juniperus communis ssp communis | 匈⽛利 Hungary | 具利尿,輔助⽔腫、脂肪團的治療,緩解膀胱炎症狀。可消除肌⾁疼痛和痛⾵。 Best known as a diuretic essence, it can assist in the treatment of fluid retention, cellulite and in the relief of the symptoms of cystitis. Useful for muscular aches and the pain of gout. |
Kunzea Kunzea ambigua 保加利亞薰⾐草 True Lavender Bulgaria Lavandula angustifolia (clonal) | 澳洲 Australia 保加利亞 Bulgaria | 緩解疼痛,輔助治療肌⾁與⾻骼疾病。並有助於緩解呼吸系統不適,可 調節⾝⼼、保養⽪膚,且具有消炎功效。 Good pain-relieving properties for musculo-skeletal complaints. It is useful in respiratory complaints. A good toning essence. In skin care, it apparently has useful anti-inflammatory properties. 平衡機能和放鬆⾝⼼功效,緩解精神壓⼒和過敏性,有助於治療失眠,促進睡眠習慣,緩解呼吸系統不適和肌⾁疼痛。 It is appreciated for its balancing and calming properties, advantageous for relieving stress and irritability and has been demonstrated to relieve insomnia, establish balanced sleeping patterns, respiratory and muscular pain. |
有機檸檬 Lemon Organic Citrus limon 有機檸檬⾹草 Lemongrass Organic Cymbopogon flexuosus | 意⼤利 Italy 尼泊爾 Nepal | 淨化室內,清爽宜⼈達醒腦之⽤。維持⽑細管循環,緩解咽喉疼痛、⽪癬、痤瘡、放鬆消化系統和神經系統,緩解壓⼒和睡眠困難。 Strong air antiseptic, useful to diffuse to purify indoor envirnment. Oil diffused seen to increase clarity and concentration. Benefits in strengthening and maintaining capillary circulation. Topical use can assist in relief of cold sores, tinea, acne and relaxes the digestive and nervous system, relaxing for stress and sleeping difficulties. 有助⼈體重煥活⼒,具消除關節炎腫,調節消化系統。 An oil with invigorating and stimulating properties. It has also anti- inflammatory effects suggested for the use in joint inflammation. Beneficial effects on digestion. |
青檸 Lime Citrus aurantifolia | 墨西哥 Mexico | 芳⾹氣味能舒緩⼼境,本精油緩解咽喉疼痛,改善消化。該產品有輕微光敏性。如暴曬前塗抹於⽪膚,濃度不應超過0.7%。 A refreshing, yet calming essence in nature, specific uses includes: aids relief of sore throats, stmulates digestion. Mildly photosensitising. Do not use more than a 0.7% concentration on the skin before exposure to sunlight, as in sun bathing. |
澳洲橘⼦ Mandarine Australia Citrus reticulata | 澳洲 Australia | ⽼少皆宜之精油,橘⼦緩解緊張和輕度焦慮,亦可緩解坐⽴不安與失眠,及神經緊張造成的胃部不適。該精油無光敏性。 Often described as a children’s essence, excellent for reducing tension and |
有機甜⾺郁蘭 Sweet Marjoram Organic Origanum majorana | 埃及 Egypt | 舒緩功效顯著,可緩解痙攣,可改善副交感神經系統,包括⾵濕、肌⾁疼痛、痙攣、神經痛、關節炎等。 Appreciated as a strong relaxing, anti-spasmodic oil, it is strengthens the parasympathetic nervous system. This makes it useful for muscular complaints – rheumatism and muscular pain and spasm, neuralgic pain, arthritis and on. |
⼭雞椒 May Chang Litsea cubeba | 中國 China | 散發濃郁檸檬⾹,有效驅除蚊蟲,具消炎功效,可改善⽪膚彈性,適合油性⽪膚和頭髮,改善⽪膚排汗過多的問題。Highly lemon-scented oils have good insect deterring properties. It has anti- inflammatory in nature. Properly diluted, it is considered a useful astringent essence in skin care, for oily skin and hair and excessive perspiration. |
茶樹(甜茶樹或淩娜薔薇) Melaleuca ericifolia(Sweet Tea Tree or Rosalina) Melaleuca ericifolia | 澳洲 Australia | ⾹氣柔和宜⼈。具殺菌、抗感染功效,可緩解呼吸道不適,有平⼼靜氣的功效,可混合⽤於按摩,適合⼩童使⽤。It has a lovely, soft aroma. A gentle antiseptic and anti-infectious oil. Useful for respiratory complaints. It is calming and relaxing in nature and is useful in massage blends, suited well for children. |
沒藥 Myrrh Commiphora molmol | 索⾺⾥ Somalia | 收斂和癒合劑,效促進傷⼜癒合,抑制黴菌感染。緩解呼吸道不適,維持正常消化功能有助於治療腹瀉。可防⽌⽪膚⿔裂。 An astringent and healing essence from antiquity. Excellent for wound healing and mildly antiseptic for fungal infections and the like. Useful in respiratory complaints. Maintains digestive function and can aid in the treatment of diarrhea. In skin care, it is helpful in cracked skin. |
橙花 Neroli Citrus aurantium ssp amara | 突尼斯 Tunisai | ⾹氣宜⼈使⼈精神抖擻,消除不安、焦慮、緩解失眠的功效,亦可調理消化系統,緩解痙攣和腹瀉,更有效重煥⽪膚活⼒。 With a much-loved fragrance, it is very potent on the energetic sphere. It is often indicated where there is unrest, anxiety, sleeplessness and the like. Its action extends to the digestive system, as for cramps and diarrhoea and is splendid in regenerative skin care applications. |
⾁⾖蔻 Nutmeg Myristica fragrans 有機甜橙 Sweet Orange Organic Citrus sinensis | 印尼 Indonesia 意⼤利 Italy | ⽌痛功效強,針對肌⾁和⾻骼疼痛。有調理機體,煥發機體活⼒。與橙花油⼀同混⽤,能協助分娩。Well known analgesic essence, beneficial for many musculo-skeletal complaints. Overall, it is an excellent general tonic to help boost bodily energy. Along with oils such as Neroli, it has been used by midwives to assist with childbirth. 對神經紊亂造成的消化不良,本精華油具鎮靜和鎮痛之效,有良好的祛痰及消除呼吸道不適,放鬆⾝⼼,舒緩緊張情緒。甜橙精華油無光敏性。Gently calming and sedative, aids in digestive upsets due to nervous upsets. A good expectorant in respiratory complaints and relaxing for tension and stress. It is not photosensitising. |
⽜⾄ Oregano Origanum vulgare 有機玫瑰草 Palmarosa Organic Cymbopogon martini var motia | 摩洛哥 Morocco 尼泊爾 Nepal | 刺激⾝體之”陽”提升,促進”氣”運⾏,活化機體,可緩解肌⾁與⾻骼不適,抗感染精華油,⽜⾄精油可能會刺激⽪膚,請稀釋後使⽤。A strong stimulating ‘Yang’ essence for boosting energy and defensive Qi. Warming and analgesic for musculo-skeletal complaints. Powerful anti- infectious oil. It can be irritating to the skin – always use diluted. 抗真菌和抗黴菌特性,適合塗抹於⽪膚。本精華油可調理⾝體機能,其保濕效果顯著,亦可⽤於⽪膚保養。Excellent bactericidal and fungicidal effects, gentler on the skin. A good overall tonifying essence, it is also useful in skin care for its hydrating benefits. |
廣霍⾹Aceh Patchouli Aceh Pogostemon cablin | 印尼 Indonesia | 護理保品,優質肌膚再⽣和消炎功效,有助於⼩傷⼜、燒傷、舊傷疤、⽪炎、痤瘡等的癒合。該精油可鎮靜神經系統。A highly beneficial oil for the skin. It is a superb regenerating and anti- inflammatory essence useful for minor wounds, burns, old scars, dermatitis, acne and on. A grounding, calming oil for the nervous system. |
⿊胡椒 Black Pepper Piper nigrum | ⾺達加斯加 Madagascar | 印度草醫學視其為「熱⼒種⼦」,具有升溫和鎮痛作⽤,可緩解肌⾁、關節和神經的疼痛、亦可緩解暴飲暴⾷和便秘問題。 Renowned ‘heating seeds’ of Ayurvedic medicine. Beneficial warming and analgesic properties for muscular, joint and nerve pain. Excellent to aid digestion with its heating properties, useful for complaints such as overindulgence and constipation. |
有機 胡椒薄荷 Peppermint Arvensis Organic Mentha arvensis | 中國 China | 急救⾸選,具⿇醉和抗痙攣功效,對神經、肌⾁疼痛、頭痛、偏頭痛,消化不良和腸易激綜合症及呼吸阻塞以及騷癢適⽤。A champion ‘first aid’ essence for many common complaints. Anaesthetic and anti-spasmodic, it serves acute painful conditions of the muscles and joints, nerve pain, headaches, migraines and on. Specific for digestive system, for indigestion, cramps and irritable bowel syndrome. Helps to relieve itching. |
有機苦橙葉 Petitgrain Bigarade Organic Citrus aurantium ssp amara | 意⼤利 Italy | 提升氣“陰”,平衡神經系統機能,鎮靜,適合⼩童使⽤。It is excellent ‘balancing’ essence for the nervous system, rich in calming ‘yin’ esters, calming and sedative – great for children |
⼤⾺⼠⾰薔薇 Damask Rose Bulgaria Rosa damascena | 保加利亞 Bulgaria | ⾼級玫瑰精華油,功效卓越,強⼒冷靜和融合於⼀⾝。改善消極情緒。玫瑰精華油在16°C環境下會硬化。The supreme Rose oil – expensive, but priceless in its action. Strong ‘cooling and binding’ essence. Energetically, a superb essence ‘to strengthen the heart and spirit’ in times of grief and disappointment. Rose oil hardens at 16oC |
純玫瑰 Rose Absloute Rosa damascena | 摩洛哥 Morocco | ⾹氣接近花朵芳⾹,優質護膚⽤途。玫瑰精華油充滿⼥性氣質,具有催情功效,男性和⼥性均適⽤。The aroma is more true to the flower and is excellent in skin care. Rose is seen to be a ‘feminine’ essence for its sensual, even aphrodisiac nature. Certainly, useful for both men and women. |
有機迷迭⾹CT2 Rosemary CT2 Rosmarinus officinalis CT2 cineole | 摩洛哥 Morocco | 緩解呼吸道和⽿⿐喉不適,如感冒、流感、⽀氣管炎、⽿道感染等,祛痰、抗鎮痛,解頭痛、關節炎、通⾵和改善⼈體⽑細⾎管循環。Specific for respiratory and ENT (ear, nose, throat) complaints, such as colds, flu, bronchitis, ear infection and the like, with its expectorant and mucolytic properties. A useful analgesic for conditions such as headaches and the pain of arthritis and gout; a circulatory tonic for peripheral venous circulation. |
花梨⽊ Rosewood Aniba rosaeodora 檀⾹⽊ Australian Sandalwood Santalum spicatum | 巴西 Basil 西澳洲 Australia | 性質溫和,可⽤於嬰兒護膚、乾性和敏感⽪膚,亦可緩解痤瘡等輕度⽪膚感染。A gentle oil, it has good anti-infectious properties, yet is so mild it can be used on the skin of babies. Excellent in skin care for dry and sensitive skin and for minor skin infections, as with acne. 澳洲精華油的消炎功效強於印度精華油。可⾧期⽤於緩解膀胱炎等秘尿系統疾病。This oil appears to have even stronger anti-inflmmatory qualities than the Indian oil. Long used for genito-urinary complaints such as cystitis. |
荷蘭薄荷 Spearmint | 美國USA | 不含薄荷醇,芳⾹溫和,改善消化功能,調節肝臟和膽囊功能。緩解呼 吸道不適,促進⽪膚癒合,該精油可清新⼜氣。Without menthol, it has a stunning aroma. Well known as a digestive tonic, |
⽢松 Spikenard Nardostachys jatamansi | 尼泊爾 Nepal | 顯著舒緩神經和痙攣。平⼼靜緒、消除疼痛,改善神經系統。該精油具消炎(適合敏感⽪膚)作⽤,具有抗衰⽼之效。"Highly regarded for nervous and spasmodic conditions. It has excellent calming, sedative and grounding properties, harmonizing to nervous system. Useful for the skin, being anti-inflammatory (as for sensitive, irritated skin conditions) and is a purported skin ‘anti-aging’ essence. |
特級雲杉 Spruce Extra Picea mariana | 加拿⼤ Canada | 緩解疲勞和呼吸道不適,並具祛痰、抗痙攣和抗感染之功效。 Often used for their tonifying benefits in fatigue states and exhaustion. It is of benefits in respiratory complaints, with expectorant, anti-spasmodic and anti-infectious properties. |
有機野⽣茶樹 Tea Tree Ecowild Melaleuca alternifolia | 澳洲 Australia | 性質溫和,可塗抹於⽪膚,有抗菌功效的良好急救精華油,可消除多重輕度不適,如真念珠菌、細菌、痤瘡和唇瘡。It is appreciated for being a strong anti-infectious essence, yet quite gentle on skin. It is a good first aid oil for many minor complaints such as fungal (including Candida), bacterial (as in acne) and viral infections (as in Herpes cold sores) |
野⽣百⾥⾹ Wild Thyme Thymus serpyllum | 克羅地亞 Croatia | 刺激活性和抗菌功效顯著,性質溫和,可塗抹於⽪膚。法國醫師使⽤作緩解細菌和真菌感染。稀釋後能緩解肌⾁疼痛、⾵濕和頭痛。A strong stimulating, anti-infectious essence, yet gentler on skin. French practitioners employ this oil on many infectious conditions, bacterial and fungal. Properly diluted, it is excellent for muscular pain, rheumatism, headaches and the like. |
纈草 Valerian Valeriana officinalis | 匈⽛利 Hungary | 早在希波克拉底(Hippocrates)時期已使⽤。具寧神靜⼼,舒緩和平靜緊張情緒。絕對適合失眠、坐⽴不安和睡眠紊亂。Used as a medicinal herb since at least the time of Hippocrates. Well known and much used as a good tranquilising sedative, very relaxing and calming for highly agitated states. Excellent for insomnia, restlessness and disturbed sleep patterns. |
⾹根草 Vetiver Vetiveria zizanioides | 印尼 Nepal | 具鎮靜和緩解精神壓⼒及睡眠問題,可緩解肌⾁和關節疼痛,⽤於護膚可重煥各類型⽪膚活性,有效消除痤瘡。Known as a good sedative and grounding essence, useful for stress-related and sleep complaints. Useful for muscular and joint pain, and in skin care it is regenerating for all skin types and for acneic skin. |
有機冬青 Wintergreen Organic Gaultheria procumbens | 中國 China | 富含甲基⽔楊酸鹽,具消炎鎮痛之效。適當使⽤並⾮是「危險的」精油。24滴(0.75毫升)冬青油相當於兩⽚300毫克阿司匹林⽚。"Rich in methyl salicylate, is well known and extensively used for its anti- inflammatory and analgesic properties. Properly used, it is not a ‘dangerous’ oil. For comparison, 24 drops (0.75mL) is equivalent in potential toxicity to" two standard 300mg aspirin tablets. |
有機依蘭 Ylang Ylang Complete Organic Cananga odorata forma genuina | ⾺達加斯加 Madagascar | 堪稱「花中之花」具鎮靜功效,愉悅⾝⼼,鎮靜神經系統,提升靈性,具有催情功效。油性和乾性⽪膚均有平衡效果。神經系統 The ‘flower of flower’ oil. Seen as a supreme calming and euphoric essence, it calms the nervous system, uplifts the spirits and is considered to have an aphrodisiac nature. Excellent in skin care for its balancing effects on both dry and oily skin. |