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 YouthPro Naturopathy 生機美

自然醫學 歷久常新

Natural Medicine Never Go Old

公元前400年希波克拉底(Hippocrates) 醫學之父具瞻遠智慧,他是自然療法的表表者,認為醫病的方法與藥物必須對身體不做成傷害性。古埃及朝代亦記載採用天然方法為帝皇治病,及後自然療法於十八世紀盛行歐洲,再傳至德國、澳洲、美國、加拿大等地,今天自然療法不單是皇室貴族尊享,其普及化已受普羅大眾所接受。


Natural Medicine. Never grow old 400 BC Hippocrates, father of medicine, with farsighted wisdom, he is the exemplar of naturopathy who recognize that the method for the treatment and the drug used must not be harmful to the body. Ancient Egyptian dynasty also have records described using natural methods to cure Emperor and the Royal families, and after natural therapies prevailing in Europe in the 18th century, it was spread to Germany, Australia, the United States and Canada, today naturopathy is not just exclusively for royalty, it is now widely accepted by the general public. 

Naturopathy comes a long way, from the use of natural herbs, non-intrusive and non-toxic method of treatment. Till today, research and development has make natural medicine staying in trend. Employed prestigious university to conduct various strict, diversity biochemistry test, developing new & effective health functional foods, strengthen the self-healing ability of people who are in sub-clinical health and rebuild their body constitution. So that the body, mind and spirit to achieve the unity, in the state of equilibrium, allowing people of all ages to live and enjoy their lives.